Hi friends,hope u all enjoyed handy gains in pantaloon retail which i recommended at Rs.270 level and shoppersstop at 400 level.Now pantaloon is trading at Rs.325 and shoppersstop at Rs.470 levels.Still i recommend to continue holding in this stocks as there is improvement in allowing FDI in multi brand reatil sector.So i advice my clients to buy these two stocks in every dip.
Many friends asked me how u got good report on pantaloon and shoppersstop.The answer is simple.Lots of news in market about allowing FDI in multi brand sector.So i thinked which all companies will get benefited.I found pantaloon,shoppesstop,fch,trent etc will me impacted.so just watched their fundamentals and recommended.
So pls continue watching my small blog and suggest me how can i improve a lot